Friday, September 9, 2011

When Darkness Falls

It's not everyday that you actually notice how fast the sun drops from the sky and how bright the moon really is.  Not everyday that you hear what's lurking under all the whirring and buzzing of your computer, television, stereo.  Not everyday you hear the silence.

You usually don't even notice that it's there.

Although last night may have been the longest time I've spent in darkness, it rendered a light that emanated reality and truth.

It initiated a widespread, inescapable exposé.

Blinking, red stoplights and traffic lines showed us for who we really were, as each inched up to that white line for evaluation.  Blank screens and untouched keyboards left people "unconnected" and lost.  The sound of shots echoed throughout neighborhoods, leaving trails of fear and helplessness.

Last night brought cities, communities, homes and individuals to the end of themselves, and without the disillusionment of luminescence, made you take a good, hard, accurate look at yourself.

It made us sit.  It made us sit still.  It made us either shake our fists at people who were laboring desperately into the night to restore our normalcy.  Or, it made us reflect and realize that we are but less than three days away from the death anniversary of our nation's normalcy.

What did you do?  What did you see in your world and yourself last night?

Whether you're cloaked in darkness or in light, there is someone whose vision transcends everything.

From heaven the Lord looks down and sees all mankind; from his dwelling place he watches
all who live on earth— he who forms the hearts of all, who considers everything they do.  
Psalms 33:13-15

He sees you for what you are and knows you better than you'll ever be able to.  He cannot only name off every trivial and meaningful thing you've ever done, He can also describe every injury to your heart.

And the kicker is this: He's crazy about you.

Have that conversation with God that you've been running from.  You'll find that He's been dying to have a relationship with you.  You'll find that He already has.

Jesus Christ died on the cross for not just the "world's" sins- He died for your sins.  Put your trust in His irreplaceable love.

Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is. Jeremiah 17:7  He will not fail you.  As the world turns, as times catapult us into the unknown, and as darkness falls, He will not fail.


  1. Your words are compelling! God-inspired.

  2. Such an encouragement! I miss ya girl!
    Much love!
